Saturday, January 25, 2014

Grilled Prawns and Pasta

I picked up some fresh whole fresh prawns originating from the Mediterranean Sea. Tonight, I decided to broil it served with baby the baby octopus I picked from the seafood place as well.

First, I marinated the fresh baby octopus overnight in:
1TB minced garlic
1 tsp oregano
2TB lemon juice
1/3 cup olive oil

4 cloves of minced garlic
1TB of minced fresh parsley
1/3 c olive oil
1/2 tsp salt
Pepper to taste
12 6 inch bamboo skewers

Slit the back of each shrimp and coat the open side with the mixture above. 

Broil in Lo broiler setting for about 6 minutes with the squid in the same pan with a drain. (Broiler pan)

Remove shrimp and continue to broil the octopus in the other side for another 3 minutes.

Boil linguine pasta per box instruction, drain when cooked aldehyde a out 8 minutes and set aside.  Pour some olive oil to separate and prevent the nooes from sticking.

1/2 pint of premium sundried tomatoes in olive oil with wine
2 TB capers
1/2 can of anchovy fillet
2 cloves minced garlic
1/3 c olive oil
1 tsp to 1TB dried crushed red pepper

Heat olive oil in wok or pan then add the garlic.  Before garlic turns golden, add the rest of the ingredients including the juice and oil of the sundried tomatoes, the marinade from the octopus, some of the oil of the anchovies and let it simmer for about 3 minutes.  Remove from heat.

Serve the grilled seafood with fresh lemon slice(s) and grated aged Parmesan cheese.

You can even add arugula on top if your pasta and mix it in - if you don't feel like making salad.
Enjoy this health seafood dinner!

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