Wednesday, June 25, 2014

ABBOTEGA #NorthernItalian, #Restaurant

This is down the south-most part of the West Village.

After trying the Vietnamese influenced food stop at Varrick st., I bumped into this Northern Italian little restaurant.  I couldn't resist passing it up so I decided to stay for a small dessert.  Looking at the menu, it was described as a chocolate flan with white ganache. I was lead to believe it was like a cake with chocolate inside.  But to call it a flan is far fetched.  This is really a Jean George copy if his "lava cake" which is a light chocolate cake with liquid center.

At this restaurant, they decided to serve it over a white chocolate ganache with some sweet crumbled cookies like biscotti or maybe a meringue. Overall, it made the dessert too sweet for me.  It would have been better served with chantilly sauce or zabaglione.
The place has charm and the street is one of my favorite quiet neighborhoods in the city.
It has a local charm about to it which attracted me to stay.  Judging from the menu and the late lunch the staff was having, I plan to go back and try their lunch or dinner.  They serve Northern Italian  food and their prices for the main course seem reasonable.

This restaurant has several branches in Milan and their first in New York City. They said they soon will open one in Miami, Florida.

14 Bedford Street, New York, NY 

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